What Is a Staffing Agency & What Do They Do?


What Is a Staffing Agency & What Do They Do?

What Is a Staffing Agency What Do They Do

Looking to take your company to the next level? We can help you build a dream team. Staffing Agencies can save you weeks of work by handling the entire recruitment process, from sourcing qualified candidates to managing paperwork. This helps you fill important positions quickly and effectively while you keep your focus on what matters most – running and growing your business.

Especially beneficial for small businesses, working with a staffing agency like TalentRoss saves you the valuable time you’d otherwise spend on reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates. This allows you to avoid the exhaustion of the hiring process and focus more on expanding your business.

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What Is a Staffing Agency?

A staffing agency or a staffing firm is a business organization that hires employees to work for other companies. In other words, when a business needs to increase their workforce, either for the long term or temporarily, they’ll reach out to a staffing agency for help.

Now, there are three main types of job categories in staffing. Temporary jobs, temp-to-hire jobs, and direct-hire jobs.

  • Temporary jobs are the types of jobs most commonly associated with staffing agencies. These are where you work for the staffing agency’s client on a short-term basis. Temporary jobs can generally last weeks or months, depending on the position.
  • Temp-to-hire jobs are where you work for a staffing agency’s client on a trial basis to determine if you and the client are a good match. If it turns out the job is a good fit for your skills, interests, and career goals — you can become the client’s permanent employee.
  • Direct-hire jobs are where you are recruited by the staffing agency and then hired by its Client. Essentially the staffing company acts as the client’s personal recruiter.

With the growing demand for skilled talent, staffing agencies hire for just about any job you can think of in just about every industry. Today’s staffing employees include accountants, scientists, computer programmers, nurses, call center operators — and even CEOs. So if you’re looking for a new job, working with a staffing agency could be a smart move for you.

How Do Staffing Agencies Work

How Do Staffing Agencies Work

The process is simple. A job-seeker seeks work. An employer seeks workers. Staffing agency acts as the bridge between these two parties. How does it bridge this gap? Well, everything begins when a job hunter applies for a job through an establishment like TalentRoss. The agency could have attracted the applicant in any number of ways: help-wanted ads, online job boards, word-of-mouth even a YouTube video or blog post (like this one!). 

What Does the Staffing Agency Do for the Jobseeker?

The establishment strives to find the right job for each candidate and get them working as soon as possible; they take them through the application process until they become their employee if all goes well. Once employed by the establishment, an employee is sent out on loan to an employer, where the company charges a fee for this service from employers only –– not employees themselves which makes it free of charge to workers who need jobs. You should be cautious of any employment agencies that want to charge you money just because they’re looking for someone to hire them!

What Does the Staffing Agency Do for the Employer?

What Does the Staffing Agency Do for the Employer

The agency’s customers are employers. Employment agencies serve their clients by finding them appropriate candidates for their vacant positions. When the right staff is identified, a fee is charged to the employer which becomes the revenue of an agency. Interviews, screening, human resource services, and workers’ compensation are among other services offered by employment agencies.

At times they will need to send somebody over right away while sometimes they need to first submit the candidate’s resume for an interview. The employment agency then gives jobseekers some guidance depending on what kind of situation it is. They might help with the resume or give tips concerning interviews or anything else that may be of assistance since it would be best for business if this applicant got hired; but only when they have found somebody suitable for that position because otherwise sending an unqualified person out there might ruin everything between them and their client.

This is also not good for the applicant themselves either. Our mission at Your Staffing Agency is to always get it right – we want to make sure every time we send someone out that they’re going where they should be working best so that no one has ever been sent back before finding himself again somewhere else within too short of a period; but If a job-seeker goes on an interview and gets hired, usually he’ll start working as soon as possible after being selected. Depending upon assignment thereat duration of being employee could vary – some jobs are temporary; others indefinite but long-term; certain clients use trial periods such as 90 days before extending permanent offer with company; direct hires happen sometimes too though.

But what if they don’t get the job after interviewing? Or even just decide professionally that it isn’t going to work out? Sometimes another position may become available through same employer in which case also yes still maybe possible potentially perhaps maybe not sure could be who knows yes no?

Which is another advantage of working with a Staffing Agency?

A company or a jobseeker can apply to many different jobs via one application. And that’s it. That’s how employment agencies work.

What Makes Staffing Agencies Useful to Businesses?

Staffing agencies offer a multitude of benefits that can be particularly advantageous for businesses looking to streamline their hiring processes. Here are a few key reasons why companies find staffing agencies to be a crucial part of their recruitment strategies.

Better Budgeting Controls

One of the most significant benefits of using staffing agencies is the ability to better manage and control hiring budgets. Agencies remove the need for companies to spend excessively on recruitment drives and advertising vacancies, as they take care of these expenses themselves. Furthermore, businesses can save on the overhead associated with pre-employment testing, background checks, and drug screening, as these are handled by the staffing firm. Companies also have the flexibility to hire workers temporarily, which significantly reduces costs associated with benefits, payroll taxes, and other employee-related expenses.

Extensive Network

Staffing agencies maintain a large pool of pre-screened candidates. This extensive network allows them to quickly fill vacancies with highly qualified individuals. Where companies may struggle to find suitable candidates through their own efforts, staffing agencies can tap into their broad network to pull candidates who meet specific job requirements. This extensive network is not just large but often very diverse, which can help businesses fulfill not only immediate staffing needs but also build a more diverse workforce.

 Access to Expertise

When businesses partner with staffing agencies, they gain access to a wealth of expertise related to recruitment and employment trends. These agencies have specialized knowledge in various industries, making them adept at identifying and understanding the unique challenges and needs specific to each sector. This expertise allows them to efficiently source and place candidates in roles that match their skills and employers’ expectations. Agencies also stay up-to-date with legislative changes related to employment, providing valuable guidance on compliance issues to the businesses they work with.


Hiring can be a time-consuming process, demanding significant resources that could be better used elsewhere in a company. Staffing agencies take on the brunt of the work involved in sourcing, interviewing, and vetting potential employees. By doing so, they drastically reduce the time it takes to fill positions, which helps companies maintain productivity and reduce the costs associated with unfilled jobs.

How Much Does a Staffing Agency Charge?

Staffing agencies primarily earn by charging employers a fee for their services. These fees can vary widely depending on the type of staffing provided — temporary, temp-to-hire, or direct hire — and the specific terms of the agreement between the agency and the company. Typically, the agency charges a percentage of the employee’s wages as their fee. For temporary and temp-to-hire roles, this fee is often integrated into the employee’s hourly rate and ranges from 25% to 100% of the wages. For direct hire positions, agencies may charge anywhere from 15% to 25% of the candidate’s first-year annual salary. The exact pricing structure can vary, however, based on the level of expertise required, the industry, labor market conditions, and the negotiation between the agency and the hiring company.

It’s important to note that job seekers do not have to pay anything to staffing agencies; the charges are solely the responsibility of the employers.

Deciding to Work With a Staffing Agency

Deciding to Work With a Staffing Agency

Choose a Specialized Agency

When considering working with a staffing firm, it’s advantageous to select one that specializes in your industry or field. These agencies have a deeper understanding of the specific skills and qualifications that employers in your sector are seeking. They also have established relationships with key companies, which can significantly increase your chances of landing a job that matches your career aspirations.

Be Professional From the Start

From your first interaction, it’s crucial to treat the staffing agency as you would a potential employer. This includes having a polished resume, dressing appropriately for interviews, and communicating professionally. Remember, the agency’s impression of you will influence how they represent you to potential employers.

Clarify Your Needs

Be clear about the type of employment you’re seeking, whether it’s full-time, part-time, temporary, or permanent. Also, discuss your preferred work environment and culture. By clearly defining your needs and expectations, you make it easier for the agency to find suitable job placements.

Be Honest

Honesty is key when dealing with a staffing agency. Be frank about your work history, skills, and areas where you may need improvement. Misrepresenting yourself can lead to placements that are a poor fit, potentially harming your professional reputation and relationship with the agency.

Improve Your Skills

Staffing agencies often offer resources for skill development, such as training in software programs relevant to your field, interview coaching, and resume-writing assistance. Taking advantage of these resources can make you a more competitive candidate and show potential employers that you are committed to growing professionally.

Multiply Your Options

Don’t rely solely on one staffing agency. Register with multiple agencies to increase your job opportunities. Each firm has its unique set of connections and client base, which means more job openings for you to consider.

Stay Open

While you may have a definite idea of the job you want, be open to suggestions from your staffing agency. They might offer opportunities that differ from your initial preferences but could be beneficial for your career. Staying flexible can open doors to unexpected and rewarding career paths.

Discover Great Talent with TalentRoss

Finding the perfect talent can be a hurdle for any business. TalentRoss, a staffing agency, steps in to bridge this gap. We connect you with a global network of skilled professionals, offering solutions for both temporary and permanent staffing needs.

Our platform provides access to qualified freelancers ideal for specialized projects or cost-effective hiring.  We ensure a quick, secure, and efficient matching process, fostering productivity and economic growth for both businesses and talent. Choose TalentRoss for a reliable and flexible way to acquire the talent you need, regardless of project size.

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